Part-Time Jobs
Part-time work in Japan is not only for living expenses, but it is also excellent training to enhance your Japanese communication skills. Additionally, it is good practise for those students whose goal is to pursue a career in Japan in the future.
We provide consultations for students wishing to find part-time work.
Living Support
- Staff who speak Japanese, English, Chinese and Nepali provide support all students.
- We will refer you to student dormitories, complete with all necessary living facilities.
- We are also able to provide support for rental applications etc.
- We help with job searches and provide consultations regarding things like issues at part-time jobs.
- Our academy will contact parents/guardians for their peace of mind regarding students’ living conditions.
- Students will join the National Health Insurance at the time of alien registration.
- We also provide hospital referrals.
※ If you aren’t comfortable with Japanese, our staff will accompany you so there’s no need to worry.